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Hard Knox
Hard Knox is
out of West-Central Ohio
Also known as Harley Joe & The Jeffs, Harley Joe & Jeffs2 (Squared), and them there guys on the stage... They jam man!
Jeff Badiner- HarleyJoe Knox -Jeff Robert
Since you have logged on here we'll just make ourselves at home...
While you are reading this we are raiding your fridge for beer and food and popsicles...
That was fun. Got anything else to eat?
We still are thirtsy after all of that. Can you go get us some more beer? Please...
Can you say buurrrppp?
What time does Taco Smell close? Can you give us a ride?
We can pick up some beer on the way. I know a short cut.
Hey, what time is last call at the bar? Hurry, we can make it!
Don't worry! I'll drive since you don't know the way...
What do you mean 'I have to work tomorrow', It's tomorrow already!
One more thing, can we crash here tonight?
Harley Joe Knox CD here @ Stars of Music
For Booking info...harleyjoeknox@ctcn.net or hard-knox@tripod.com
12th Twenty Oh Three